AI for Humanity will prepare students across all WFU schools to critically use, evaluate, and thoughtfully contribute to the ethical application of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) for the betterment of humanity. This QEP positions students to engage in interdisciplinary, open-minded discussions on AI systems and to address their challenges and benefits to human dignity and societal welfare through innovative solutions for the common good. 

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Strategic Framing

AI for Humanity aims to empower students at Wake Forest to be catalysts for good in an AI-driven future, where AI will permeate numerous facets of human life and work. It will shape leaders able to prioritize human flourishing and navigate fundamental value conflicts generated by AI opportunities and challenges. Initiatives will engage students in the generation of new knowledge through interdisciplinary perspectives on the function and impact of AI models and the alignment of AI goals with human values.

Example Student Experiences

  • Develop proficiency in using relevant, state-of-the-art AI tools and technologies
  • Enhance critical thinking skills through the application of AI tools
  • Employ ethical thinking and inquiry to assess AI’s potential and prioritize human dignity and societal welfare
  • Participate in interdisciplinary research that enhances understanding of AI’s evolution and its societal implications
  • Participate in public discourse on AI as thought leaders in understanding and addressing the impacts of AI technologies


Campus-wide access to secure and advanced AI to support learning, teaching, research, and critical skills development for students. The creation of an AI for Humanity Institute (AI4HI) as a hub to develop, share, and communicate, WFU expertise and resources that support curriculum development, facilitate collaborative research, promote workshops and lectures, and coordinate hands-on research and internship opportunities for students.