About the QEP
What is a QEP?
QEP stands for Quality Enhancement Plan and presents an opportunity for Wake Forest to enhance student experiences. It is a multi-year investment in a focused set of initiatives that arise from our Strategic Framework and aim to improve student learning and/or success. The QEP is a requirement for SACSCOC accreditation, and it provides an effective structure to implement a project and make it sustainable as a long-term gain for our students. We hope you will take part in the QEP topic selection this year.
What was our previous QEP?
Wake Forest’s 2016 QEP Transcending Boundaries: Building a Global Campus Community established four key initiatives: Arrive@Wake (retitled, Connect@Wake) continues to be offered at the beginning of each academic year for incoming international students to facilitate the ease and success of their transition across cultures; Global AWAKEnings, designed to develop global mindsets through a first-year abroad program, was offered for four years and is currently being revamped to better meet student interest and needs; Global Villages are living and learning communities focused on global mindedness and have been thriving in the residence halls for five years; and the Global Laureates Academy, which is a network of faculty and staff who aim to make an impact on the Wake Forest community by exploring topics and challenges associated with global learning, has certified five cohort groups since 2017.
SACSCOC requires each university, during its reaffirmation, to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The QEP is to reflect and affirm the institution’s commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness.
SACSCOC standard 7.2 states the QEP:
- has a topic identified through its ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation processes;
- has broad-based support of institutional constituencies;
- focuses on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success;
- commits resources to initiate, implement, and complete the QEP; and
- includes a plan to assess achievement.
Anne Hardcastle, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Samantha Ashby, MSM Student
Joe Cassidy, Executive Director, Campus Fitness and Recreation
Andy Chan, Vice President, Personal & Career Development
Rob Erhardt, Professor of Statistics
Tahjane Givens, Undergraduate Student, Dean’s Student Advisory Panel
Douglas Johnson, Teaching Professor of Management
Marina Krcmar, Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Communications
Chris Martin, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Law
Stella Ross, Undergraduate Student
Marco Sartor, Assistant Teaching Professor of Music
College of Arts & Sciences:
- Lisa Blee (HST)
- Melissa Jenkins (ENG)
- Leah Roy (THE)
- Wayne Pratt (PSY)
- Rebecca Alexander (CHM, committee co-chair)
School of Law:
- Allyson Gold
- Malcolm Boyd
School of Business:
- Angie Lynde
- Douglas Johnson
- Shannon McKeen (committee co-chair)
ZSR Library:
- Elizabeth Ellis
Campus Partners:
- Andy Chan, OPCD
- Krista Stump, Sustainability
- Marianne Magjuka, OCCE
- September 25: QEP proposal submissions OPEN
- January 8: QEP proposal submissions CLOSE
- April: Finalists topics announced and shared with the community for feedback
- May/June 2024: Selection of QEP Development Committee
- June 2024 – December 2025
- Topic is narrowed – literature review and data research
- Specific programs/initiatives and outcomes developed
- QEP final draft created and polished for SACSCOC and WFU community
- January 2026: Proposal sent in advance to SACSCOC On-Site Committee
- Spring 2026: Present QEP to SACSCOC On-Site Committee
- After On-Site visit: WFU receives and addresses feedback on QEP
- Final QEP presented to WFU Community
- 2027-2032: QEP Implementation Team formed and activated
- March 2032: QEP Impact Report due as part of Fifth Year Interim Report